
The Amber Squarespace Template

A website template designed to help freelancers close the gap between burnout and brand-building by turning their site into their biz bestie.

What’s Inside?

7 Essential Freelance Pages

Amber is made with freelancers and freelancers only in mind. This means you’ll have every page you need to launch your freelance brand with a Home, About, Portfolio, Service, Blog, Client Welcome and Application page built in.

The Amber Template Notion Dashboard

Once you purchase your template, you’ll get access to a tutorials dashboard with only 3 steps, so you can spend less time studying and more time creating.

DIY Section Templates

Want to build your own pages, or the ability to in the future? A separate template page is included so you can re-arrange custom coded section templates to create entirely new pages.

A Quicker Way to Launch

Trust me, I know just how long DIY-ing your website can take. Luckily, it can take as little as a day or two to launch with Amber, versus the weeks or months it takes when you’re winging it.

The Strategic Freelance Website Course

Every Amber template purchase also includes access to the Strategic Freelance Website course to guide you through writing your website copy. Why? Because a website is only as strategic as the content inside it.

Take a Look Inside

Meet your template designer

Hi! I’m Isabel, a web designer and freelancer who started working for myself to build a peace-first brand - because life’s too short to build a business you’re not excited to show up for.

With a background in marketing and web design - as well as an obsession with lifestyle business, I decided to marry my skills when I founded Opal Templates, a website template shop for freelancers, in 2021.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help other freelancers use their websites to build service-based brands that feel less stress-y and more spacious with the O.P.A.L. framework.

The O.P.A.L. Framework

(the framework behind Amber)

Outsource the sales process

We’re taking the pressure off everyone’s least favorite part of freelancing with a website that answers questions, addresses objections and shows the value of your offers before clients book any discovery calls.

Position yourself as an expert

One of the keys to selling more and booking more ideal clients is building trust. This is why we build websites that balance showcasing our expertise while building that like, know & trust factor with personality.

Assert better boundaries

More often than not, clients want to respect our boundaries - they just don’t know them! This is why we set ourselves and our clients up for success by making details like our office hours and policies clear on our website.

Launch a brand you love

Freelancing is wonderful but building your own brand on your terms feels even better. We’re using website as our online home to create a service-based brand that feels peaceful, exciting and aligned.


Launch a freelance brand that’s strategic and cute with Amber

✔ 7 pages: Home, Welcome, Contact, About, Services, Portfolio and Blog

✔ Custom coded section templates to build new pages with

✔ The Strategic Freelance Website Course

✔ The Amber Tutorials Notion Dashboard

✔ 30 days of email support included


  • ✔ 7 pages: Home, Welcome, Contact, About, Services, Portfolio and Blog

    ✔ Custom coded section templates to build new pages with

    ✔ The Strategic Freelance Website Course

    ✔ The Amber Tutorials Notion Dashboard

    ✔ 30 days of email support

  • Yes! Complete this application here to see if a done-with-you is a good option for you.

  • No! Basic tutorials will be provided as well as optional advanced tutorials too!

  • Due to the digital nature of this template, there are no refunds available. If you have any questions before purchasing, please feel free to email me at isabel@opaltemplates.com :)

    1. You’ll get instant access to your Amber Tutorial Dashboard

    2. You can dive into the Strategic Freelance Website course to prep your site copy

    3. Your template will arrive in your inbox within 24 hours of purchasing during business days!